ACTIVITIES - Photonics
Education in the field of photonics
- CSET distributed to educational institutions in Romania training kits for optics (Optical Society of America type), an educational kits for optical fiber communication systems, an optical fiber mini-spectrometer and a colorimeter, in order to carry out some basic research projects in the field of photonics
- As a result of the partnership between CSET and the New England Board of Higher Education, Boston, USA, three Romanian teachers graduated the online course in the in the field of photonics in 2007 and 2008: Elena Vladescu - Slatina, Florentina Iofciu - Bucharest and Carmen Moise - Ploiesti

- Mrs. Fenna Hanes, principal investigator for the Photon2 Project of the New England Board of Higher Education, delivered two invited papers at the International Workshop "Science Education in School" (October 11-14, 2007) in Bucharest.
- In cooperation with Technical Media College in Bucharest, CSET
organized in March 2007 a symposium for schools teachers and the students having “LIGHT” as the main theme
- Forum on problem-based learning in photonics
- Demo session on optical fiber based communication at the Colegiul National de Informatica, Piatra Neamt, December 8, 2007

- Mr. Stephen Pompea, Manager of Science Education at National Optical Astronomy Observatory, Tuscon, Arizona, USA, delivered two invited papers at the International Workshop "Science Education in School" (October 11-14, 2007) in Bucharest

- Mr. Pompea donated to CSET two training kits developed in the frame of Hands-on Optics project. The kits are used by different CSET partners in Romania (Colegiul Tehnic "Media" Bucharest, Colegiul National Vocational "Nicolae Titulescu", Slatina) to promote optics in education.
- SPIE poster

Dan Sporea, CSET Director and Elena Vladescu, teacher at Colegiul National Vocational "Nicolae Titulescu", Slatina completed a "PHOTON Problem Based Learning (PBL)" Project Intenssive Professional Development Workshop at Boston University Photonics Center, Boston, Massachusetts sponsored by the New England Board of Higher Education 