
CSET is a member of the European Hands-on Science Network

CSET is a founding member of the Network for Youth Excellence; board of NYEX:

CSET is a member of the European Science Events Association - EUSCEA

CSET is a member of the European Science Education Research Association - ESERA

CSET is a member of the Coalition for Science After School (USA)


Foreign Partners

CSET has a collaboration with the Photon-2 Project of New England Board of Higher Education (USA); course announcement ; results

CSET has a collaboration with the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, Tucson, Arizona, USA in the frame of the "Hands-on Optics" Project

CSET collaborates with the Center of the University and School of Milan for Bioscience Education - Cus-Mi-Bio

CSET collaborates in the frame of MirandaNet

CSET collaborates with The Holy Cross School, New Malden, Surrey, United Kingdom

Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Euroscience - section for Serbia

EASTCONN, the Regional Educational Service Center in Connecticut, USA

EPMagazine, a site about the history of science and technology

The International Society SPIE supports with educational materials the activities of CSET

The Optical Society of America, OSA supports CSET activities with educational materials

Institute of Physics supports CSET activities with educational materials

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe supported with educational materials the 2007 Workshop "Science Education in School"

The journal "Science in School" supports CSET activities with educational materials


Romanian Partners

Casa Corpului Didactic, Bucuresti

Colegiul "Bethlen Gabor", Aiud

Liceul Teoretic "Ion Barbu", Bucuresti

Colegiul Dobrogean "Spiru Hret", Tulcea

Colegiul National "I.L.Caragiale", Bucuresti

Colegiul National "Gheorghe Lazar", Bucuresti

Colegiul National Vocational "Nicolae Titulescu", Slatina; pagina Physics by experiments

Colegiul Tehnic de Comunicatii "Augustin Maior", Cluj Napoca

Colegiul Tehnic Media, Bucuresti

Grupul Scolar "Radu Negru ", Galati

Grupul Scolar de Constructii Montaj "Mihai Bravu", Bucuresti

Grupul Scolar "Costin D. Nenitescu", Craiova

Liceul Economic "Costin C. Kiritescu", Bucuresti

Liceul Teoretic "Grigore Moisil", Bucuresti

Liceul Teoretic "Tudor Vladimirescu", Bucuresti; pagina Fun Science Club

Scoala Europana Bucuresti

Scoala Generala nr.195, Bucuresti